Izzi Image Sequence
Play Pause Stop

Izzi Image Sequence is the easiest way to use image sequence and to control it.
It includes images preload, action controls (play, pause, stop), autoplay, repeat, reverse options and callbacks.

1. Download the latest version of Izzi Image Sequence

2. Add Izzi Image Sequence's JS to your page :

    <script src="path_to_js/izziImageSequence.js" type="text/javascript"/>

3. Simply use an html image tag without src:

<img src="" alt="myImage" class="myClass" />

4. Initialize Izzi Image Sequence on document ready :

<script type="text/javascript">
    function init(){
        var sequence =   izziImageSequence({
            'element'       : ".myClass",
            "imgPath"       : "images/",
            'imgName'       : "imageName_",
            "nbrDecimal"    : 2,
            "imgType"       : "png",
            "numbreImg"     : 26

    function addListener(obj, eventName, listener) {
        if(obj.addEventListener) {
            obj.addEventListener(eventName, listener, false);
        } else {
            obj.attachEvent("on" + eventName, listener);

    addListener(window, "load", init);

Last update :
- How many time the animation will repeat can be set in the options : numbreRepeat
- Reverse the direction of the animation : sequence.functionReverseDirection()
- Set the direction of the animation : sequence.functionSetDirection(0)
- Callback when the current direction animation is over : sequence.functionisFinishDirection()



var sequence =   izziImageSequence({
    'element'       : ".myClass",
    "imgPath"       : "images/",
    'imgName'       : "imageName_",
    "nbrDecimal"    : 2,
    "imgType"       : "png",
    "numbreImg"     : 26

Returns the object with couple of useful functions and methods:


Izzi Image Sequence support the following list of parameters on initialization:

Parameter Type Default Value Example Description
element HTML Element - ".myClass" Class or Id of the targeted html image
imgName String - 'myImageName_' The pattern of the images name : myImageName_01.png
nbrDecimal Number - 3 The numbre of decimal of images's name pattern : myImageName_099.png
imgPath String - 'assets/images/' The path of images's folder
imgType String - 'png' The images's extension
numbreImg Number - 15 Numbre of image in the sequence
indexActif Number 0 10 Index where sequence starts
delayInterval Number 50 50 Delay in millisecond between each image of the sequence
repeat Boolean false true Repeat over and over the image sequence
reverse Boolean false true Play the sequence forward and backward
autoplay Boolean true false Autoplay sequence after loading
numbreRepeat Number null 2 How many time the animation will repeat
onComplete Function - function(e){ do something } Callback function, when sequence is fully over
onCompleteLoader Function - function(e){ do something } Callback function, when sequence is fully load
onCompleteBoucle Function - function(e){ do something } Callback function, when sequence loop is over
onUpdate Function - function(e){ do something } Callback function, when image change (e = indexImg)


contact : q.mangin@subskill.com